In the Indian Yoga tradition, yoga is more than just what happens on the mat; it can be a way of life. 

Join our YTT to take the profound yoga teachings into your daily life.

Transform your life through authentic yoga  - a holistic hatha practice combining sacred sound and somatic psychology. 

yoga teacher training - May 3rd to 31st

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Yoga is a path, a practice and a state - an ancient transmission evolved over millennia to lead humans to their highest possibility.

With yoga as a foundation in our lives, we live skillfully and consciously because of the clarity generated by harmonizing our body, mind, energy and emotions. 

I focus on a holistic practice of yoga - offering classes, workshops and intensive trainings on yoga philosophy, mythology and body-mind practice.

Blending storytelling, history, psychology and science, I create a bridge between the ancient teachings and our modern world. 

classes | workshops | Trainings

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holistic yoga

A holistic yoga practice enables us to explore the body, mind and spirit so that we understand how life really operates. Sustained practice cultivates states of being as compassion, wisdom, concentration, generosity, ethics and faith - all of which lead to the fulfillment of our highest potential.

Here are some ways you can learn yoga with me:

let's flow together


Discover an integrated practice, each class is a ceremony 

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Expand your knowledge and elevate your practice

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Teacher training

Become certified to lead authentic yoga classes

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Balance the Sun and Moon within - practicing yoga as a path of integration

Holistic Hatha Classes

yoga classes

Awake Center (Uvita, Costa Rica)
Tues & Thurs at 7:30 am

Learn different ways to tune, open, heal and bring balance to your mind-body system; class includes asana flows, pranayama, meditation and mantra. 

The approach is gentle yet firm, progressive in levels of challenge and infuses theory into practice.

Want to join an online class?

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Transform yourself and learn to facilitate authentic yoga with a holistic approach.

Holistic Teacher Training


Awake Center (Uvita, Costa Rica)
May 3rd—May 31st, 2024

  • Train in Hatha, Vinyasa, and Raja Yoga
  • Daily meditation, pranayama, mantras with live raga music and kirtan
  • Integrate somatic theory and practice for regulating the nervous system, understanding triggers, trauma and the biology of belief
  • Ashram-style learning environment
  • Practice together as a family, devoted to self-knowledge with inclusivity and integrity.

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Join us for an immersive 200-hour yoga teacher training course in Costa Rica. Integrate the 8 limbs of yoga with sacred sound and somatic psychology

Explore the yogic tradition as a guide to healing the body, calming the mind and accessing the spirit. 

Beyond Asana Immersion Costa Rica

upcoming immersion

Finally take that deep dive into all the other  branches of yoga you've been seeking - postures, breathing, mantra, philosophy and meditation. 

For seekers, serious students and practicing yoga teachers

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Discover The Yogic Blueprint To A Transformative Life Practice

Nov 1st to 15th

Zamir’s hatha yoga training was influenced by a number of teachers – particularly Swami Sivananda and Donna Farhi – and he completed his 500 hour teacher training under David Goulet in Chakra Yoga.

This approach provides a holistic understanding of the body-mind system rooted in a synthesis of modern science and ancient yogic knowledge.

He served as an instructor in yoga asana, pranayama, meditation and yoga philosophy for the Langara College yoga teacher training program, teaching both in Vancouver and internationally. You can find him teaching daily classes, immersions and teacher trainings at Awake, a center for conscious living he helps steward in Costa Rica. 

Yoga Background

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