Hearing these words from the Buddhist monk and Zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh, felt like being struck like a lightning bolt; I saw and felt it with every fiber of my being. This possibility shaped my vision and became the driving force behind my life's purpose.

The next Buddha will be a Sangha (a community)


-Thich Nhat Hanh

“In order to save our planet Earth, we must have a collective awakening. Individual awakening is not enough. That is why one Buddha is not enough.” 

Now, I share these ‘medicines’ with others.

Since that transformative moment it became clear to me that in an interconnected world, raising individual consciousness is a collective responsibility. My living prayer has been:

Realizing that our external reality mirrors our inner world taught me to seek wholeness within. I had to work on myself by following my passions, tending to my wounds and applying what I’ve learned through service.

The peace of nature, wisdom of ancient traditions, melodies of music, rhythms of dance, solace of poetry, and the powerful practices of yoga, mindfulness and psychotherapy have all been sources of healing for me. 

Finding my medicines 

How can I best serve this vision with the gifts I’ve been given?

Evolving a conscious culture

As a student of buddha's teachings, I embrace the three jewels that form the basis of the Path: 




The community that practices the Dharma

The awakened consciousness

The teachings that arise from this consciousness

While we usually associate the term ‘Buddha’ with a person, on a deeper level it is the awakened consciousness, or ‘buddha nature’, operating through the person.

The Buddha taught that we are all potential buddhas, we just need to realize it. 

To aid sentient beings in this realization, the Buddha taught the dharma. The heart essence of these teachings is known as ‘primordial wisdom’, or that which is eternally true. These Teachings are not limited to ‘buddhism’, they are the universal truths.

The Buddha encouraged seekers to practice these living truths in community, or a sangha. As an amplifier of energy, the sangha can accelerate our evolution and help us when we lose our way. 

These jewels are of immeasurable value, with the power to bring forth our buddha nature to be lived and expressed in community.

my teachers + Influences

Swami Sivananda

David Goulet

Dr.Gabor Mate

Wisdom Master Maticintin





Sri Aurobindo

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Baba Haridass

Donna Farhi

Evolutiom & MYSTICISM




Sameer Inamdar

Joseph ‘Pepe’ Danza



Swami Sivananda


My first exposure to yoga came from a book on my grandfathers book shelf called “Yoga for Self-Realization” by Swami Sivananda. I was captivated by the divine inspiration that emanated through Swami’s words, and the exquisite blend of science and spirituality his yoga represented. A seed was planted and I practiced with that book for many years.

David Goulet


I studied Chakra Yoga with David Goulet, who was a student of Swami Gitananda of pondicherry. This training took me deeper into epigenetics, quantum physics and the power of consciousness to influence matter. David’s fierce commitment to the self-healing power of yoga made an impression upon me, and I had numerous experiences that built my faith in yoga as a holistic therapy for body, mind and spirit. 

Donna Farhi


Known as a teacher of teachers, I never studied directly with Donna but her teachings have really impacted how I approach movement and alignment in yoga. When I taught yoga teacher trainings in Langara college we utilized her 8 moving principles of practice as the gateway to functional alignment and teaching students how to move from the inside-out. I return to the moving principles again, and again, and again.

Baba Haridas


I was gifted with a copy of Baba Haridas’ commentary of the Yoga Sutras by my friend and director of Langara Yoga, Naseem Gulamhusein, who was a student/devotee of his. Until his commentary, the yoga sutras had remained cryptic for me and more intellectual. After that, the inner dimensions of the yoga sutras opened up as a revolutionary manual for yogic practice, and I use it as a blueprint for the practice of inner yoga. 

Dr. Gabor Mate


I first encountered Dr. Gabor Mate, one of the world's leading experts in trauma and addiction, in a pilot program called Beyond Addiction: The yogic path to recovery. Following a personal encounter with him where he pierced through my core ego story, I knew that I would learn from him one day. 

Seeking training to support students through the psycho-somatic traumas that arise through deep yogic practice, I enrolled to be trained by Dr. Gabor Mate in his modality - Compassionate Inquiry. This is one of the most direct and compassionate means to liberate individuals from the stories and consequent suffering originating in early life experiences. 

Wisdom Master Maticintin

Buddhism & Mysticism

I’ve spent 10 years studying the buddha dharma under the firm and compassionate guidance of Wisdom Master Maticinitin, founder of HUMUH: Clear Mind Buddhism. She is a vessel of the Mind Treasure Teachings, gifted her by the Transhistorical Consciousness, meaning she attained enlightenment in another lifetime;, benefits from her Teacher the great Wisdom Master Padmasambhva.

Her rendering of the Heart Sutra is an exquisite example of the timeless and yet contemporary manner in which she transmits the primordial wisdom of the Buddha consciousness to students and readers.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Buddhism & Mysticism

One of the great mystics of the world and bringer of Sufism to the West, Hazrat Inayat Khan's teachings have had a big impact on my life. Author of the Mysticism of Sound and Music, his transformative knowledge of the power of sound as a medium for healing and spiritual evolution changed how I saw music as a language of existence - from the body, mind, breath, soul and nature.

His is a penultimate teaching of love, harmony and beauty as a mystics path to God.

Sri Aurobindo

Buddhism & Mysticism

One of the great spiritual revolutionaries of all time, Sri Aurobindo offered a vision of the evolutionary potential of the human being, a map of consciousness and yoga to help realize it. Encountering his teachings at the age of 20 while traveling Asia instilled a conviction in me that the evolution of consciousness is the purpose of life, and that our task is integrating the spiritual and material, the earthly and the transcendent, to realize the highest destiny of humans and the earth. The most accessible of his teachings is called “Adventures in Consciousness” by author Sat Prem.

Sameer Inamdar


Dhrupad is a form of music that is meant to bring the mind to a peaceful, meditative state. It's an ancient science of sound and music that aims to develop human consciousness and the corresponding nervous system. I currently study dhrupad music under guruji’s guidance. His style of teaching is phenomenal as well as his musicality - music becomes simultaneously Divine and utterly natural in his presence. He founded the Dhrupad Gurukul both online and in Pune, India to spread this music further. This is a very old and difficult art form that takes many years to develop some competency in, so don’t ask me to perform it any time soon.

Joseph ‘Pepe’ Danza


An award-winning world music multi-instrumentalist, Pepe took me under his wing and taught me percussion. His passion for music and eclectic approach infected me and led me to explore diverse instruments and think of sound and music as a ‘journey’ to take listeners on. His musical DNA lives in me today through the spirit of the drum and the power of music to galvanize groups into more coherent states of being.

Stay on the evolutionary edge with my dispatches on yoga, psychology, art, science, systems change and spirituality - cooked in the cauldron and served with love.

the cauldron


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